Christine Fourcade-Goyard, Director of Training at Havas:
“With 55% of the workforce less than 34 years old at Havas Media France, it is quite logically that the question has arisen as to specific actions to be carried out concerning this group of colleagues who are the tomorrow of our company. By deploying for the first time in 2012 a specific training program dedicated to young managers and staff preparing for the future, Havas Media built a clear and certifying evolution path, the PURPLE program. Built around a development center and a certifying training program, co-created with the Université Paris-Dauphine, this course (both individual and collective) includes the fields of business strategy, financial performance, human resources and project management. For the implementation of this program, the Université Paris-Dauphine was able to bring to the program its expertise in professional development by providing high-quality content, an essential condition for the success a program of excellence.”
The specificity of Dauphine programs lies in the adoption of a multidisciplinary approach in order to allow participants to develop transversal competences to better understand the complexity of a given subject. Therefore, Dauphine mobilizes in its programs specialists in management as well as sociologists, lawyers, economists, and experts in the information sector.
The Executive Master in Real Estate Finance which we launched in September 2010 with the Université Paris-Dauphine, was intended to fill the need of a professional course adapted to the banking and economic context, influenced notably by real estate financialization.
The Executive Master in Real Estate Finance is, today, an asset which contributes to reinforce the specificity of the specialist's model of the Crédit Foncier thanks to the involvement of recognized experts in their respective fields of activity, namely; for the Crédit Foncier the practice of real estate finance, and for Paris-Dauphine, the command of complementary academic knowledge.
The fact of integrating this program enables collaborators of the Crédit Foncier to enlarge their fields of competences, consolidate their professional experience and, for some, to acceed to a graduate training program diploma, Bac+5.
Muriel COLLE
Director of the Human Resources Pole & General Means
In September 2011, within the Manpower Academy, we launched a management professionalization program for the whole range of our directors and managers of agencies.Our aim was to reinforce the skills of our managers on key themes such as strategy, human resources culture, leadership and steering our activities.This innovative partnership which was initiated with the Université Paris-Dauphine, recognized for its expertise in the HR field and its reputation, has been very fruitful.
Besides the recognition acquired by the issuing of a certificate at the end of the program for all our employees, it also enables the acquisition of academic knowledge from teacher researchers, which is very unusual in a company but very complementary for our know-how.The course, both theoretical and operational, which, in the end, will be profitable to more than five hundred Manpower managers, fully met our expectations.This success was possible thanks to the successful mutual collaboration between the Université Paris-Dauphine and the Manpower Academy in their ability to imagine an innovative and rewarding program.
Fabrice DA CANAL
Director of the Manpower Academy