The VAE candidate should be able to show the validation jury the proof concerning knowledge and the aptitudes required for the obtention of all or part of the diploma requested..
The candidate will do so through a comprehensive file tracing work experience and an interview with the validation jury. He will be accompanied by a tutor-expert in his work of constitution of files and the elaboration of necessary proof for the jury to validate work experience.
The candidates must follow a six-step procedure in order to claim a VAE; please check the following details:
At the reception desk, the VAE office will analyze the demand and decide on the administrative admissibility and the educational feasibility of your demand.
You accept the procedure by signing a contract. Supervision may be suggested in the form of individual interviews or collective workshops.
University enrolment must also be done in simultaneously
Your advisor will help you as much as possible to find a solution adapted to your project.
Under your responsibilty, you can also choose to pursue your demand.
You can benefit from methodological and pedagogical supervision to build your VAE file and the presentation in front of a jury.
You will exchange with the jury during an interview of about 30 minutes based on your file. This is your opportunity to recall your path, your project and to highlight the link between your work experience and the diploma targeted.
This decision is notified in writing by the President of the University. On reception, the REVAE office sends a copy to your domicile.
In the case of partial validation, an interview with a counsellor is proposed to organize administrative and pedagogical oversight for your restart studies.
We examine requests throughout the year.
However the VAE juries generally take place at the end of June-beginning of July, so please note :
A VAE procedure with accompanying assistance requires more time and generally it is preferable to allow for more time than indicated.
We will not be held responsible for: